By Papal decree
Did you know that by Papal decree that all bishops who visit Guatemala are required to teach basketball lay-up drills?
Well, I suppose since this isn't true, that's probably why you didn't know this. Perhaps at the next Vatican Council, this topic will be covered though. ;)
As you can see above, Bishop Rizzotto is helping the girls at the school with their basketball practice. During recess, the girls were practicing with their teachers because they had a basketball game against another community later in the week. And, yes, in case you are asking already, the girls do play their games in the attire above (blouse, skirt and flats). This is really their only outfit or set of clothes.
Also, these girls are pretty good at basketball too! Especially, considering the Maya are not very tall, the kids are fast and can run, run, run. Unlike gringos like me who come from sea-level, the kids have no problem shooting hoops at 6,500 feet. Whew!
In case Archibishop DiNardo happens to sneak a peak at this blog, Bishop Rizzotto did do his fair share of work too. In the picture below, he answers a young man's question during the 5th/6th grade faith formation class. Muy bueno!

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